Clayhaus Ceramics: Detail of four square ceramic tiles each with different modern textured patterning
Clayhaus Ceramics: Detail of nine identical square field tiles, white with modern flowing textures
Clayhaus Ceramics: Person using tools to create modern designs on charcoal colored ceramic tiles
Clayhaus Ceramics: Detail of beautiful moss green glaze on patterned textured ceramic tiles side by side
Clayhaus Ceramics: Light shining up a dark wall of white textured tile, throwing beautiful shadows
Clayhaus Ceramics: Four moss green glazed square tiles, edge to edge, creating a beautiful pattern
Clayhaus Ceramics: Close-up detail of edge of two moss green glazed ceramic tiles, patterned to match
Clayhaus Ceramics: Four white square textured tiles placed edge to edge to create a pinwheel pattern
Clayhaus Ceramics: Clayhaus ceramic patterned textured tile on wall of upper floor outdoor balcony
Clayhaus Ceramics
The Topo Collection is as an exclusive line for Clayhaus Ceramics, a Portland-based husband and wife team specializing in modern handcrafted artisan tile. As second generation ceramicists, the Clayhaus duo offers a meticulously crafted, quality product that is equally sustainable and stunning.
This collection began as an exploration of three-dimensional organic forms that evolved into a playful relationship between micro and macro worlds. In separating the forms into layers, an imaginary landscape, or topography, began to surface. The result is a subtle play of the imagination- that one might, if only for a moment, envision a micro version of themselves scaling a vast and seductive terraced landscape, and emerge having gained an appreciation for the grander, patterned order at work.
Concept Development ▫ Study Model Construction
Clayhaus Ceramics